Chan dedicates three chapters to renewing our understanding of the character of God and seven chapters calling Christians to examine themselves. The format of Crazy Love is straightforward and effective. I'm loving it." And his love for the church is obvious throughout this book. I'm calling people to go back to the way it was. I'm going back to scripture and seeing what the church was in its simplest form and trying to recreate that in my own church. I'm a pastor first and foremost, and I'm trying to offer a solution or a model of what church should look like. It comes across as someone who doesn't love the church. In a recent interview, when asked about the emergent church, he said this: "As a pastor I hear a lot of emergent leaders talk about what is wrong with the church. Chan is committed to critiquing the church as an act of love. We can critique out of love or out of disgust. There are two ways of critiquing the church. It is for those who don't want to p lateau, who would rather die before their convictions do." It is a book that is meant to change the way Christians live their lives. It is for those who are bored with what American Christianity offers. "This book," he says, "is written for those who want more Jesus. In his new book Crazy Love, first-time author Francis Chan, pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, regular speaker at Passion conferences and other events, and the guy who recorded that "Just Stop and Think" evangelistic video where he walks for miles holding a surfboard, takes his opportunity to challenge the church. But what? In many cases the prescription is the same while the cure varies widely.

We all know that there is something wrong. The voices come from both within and without from those who love the church and those who hate it. There are many voices critiquing the North American church today. God doesn't want your begrudging leftovers or even your good intentions. Pastor Francis Chan, creator of, wants everyone to come to terms with this impossible, relentless, crazy love of God. But it's true and it's the good news that has changed billions of lives over the past 2000 years. And after we rebelled and rejected Him, He loved us so much, He made a plan to rescue us so we might be with Him forever. God, the Creator of everything - from nitrogen to pine needles from oceans to E-minor - THAT God, loves you.

And not just any kind of love, this is the I-love-you-so-much-I'll-send-my- Son-to-die-on-a-cross-to-save-you kind of love. This sounds crazy to some: There's a God, all-powerful and all-knowing, and He loves you.